Sunday, November 4, 2012

Russia 2013: 55 Day Countdown

Dear Family and Friends,

Four years ago I took a trip to Ukraine that transformed the way I perceive the world and my role within it. I glimpsed the lives of children who had substance-abusing parents, children who would never receive a credible education, and children who had seen little kindness or mercy in their lives. These children are an afterthought to a country consumed with corruption, substance abuse, and political turmoil, yet they filled my waking thoughts. Over several years of language study and a number of return service trips, I committed myself to serving this region and its issues. My desire was to return not as a witness to these complex issues and tragedies, but as an educated voice generating genuine, long-term solutions.

While there is still so much for me to learn about Eastern Europe and its people, the time has come for me to abandon my comfortable stateside life and live in Russia, amongst the people whose lives and culture have so greatly influenced me. To be a true advocate and solution, I must be there, in the trenches, daily serving.  

In the New Year, close friend and global health advocate, Natalie Flath and I will move to Saint Petersburg, Russia. Together, we will intern with two outstanding non-profits, E.V.A. and Sunergos International, who both seek to address issues faced by Russia’s most vulnerable populations: homeless/orphaned youth and women.

E.V.A. is a small, grass-roots non-profit based in Saint Petersburg, Russia that works on HIV/AIDS education and prevention. Despite ties to the WHO and UNICEF, E.V.A. is in great need of on-the-ground support from individuals ready to holistically tackle the growing epidemic of HIV/AIDS. As interns, we will provide resources and support for women already infected with the virus, develop prevention curriculum for local youth, and spend time in the city’s orphanage for HIV infected youth. Not only will this work give much needed support to those already living with HIV/AIDS, but it will also work to diminish rates of transmission and the spread of the disease.

Sunergos International is a Seattle-based non-profit that Natalie and I both volunteered with while in Saint Petersburg. The organization provides support to under-served youth populations in the city. As interns, we will specifically work in the city’s HIV/AIDS orphanage for HIV infected orphans under the age of five. We will also serve in Saint Petersburg’s Transit Center for homeless and recently orphanage youth. At both locations, we will spend time with the children providing emotional support and also supplemental academic education and English language lessons. This work is essential in breaking the cycle of poverty and substance abuse, which perpetuates Russia’s severe orphan rates.

In order to make this work possible, I will be fundraising through SunErgos International. All finances raised will be budgeted to meet my monthly needs including housing, food, and transportation. All donations will also be tax deductable through the organization. Donors have the option to donate electronically or by mailing in a check.

Electronic  Donation Option
Online donations can be gifted either monthly or as a one-time donation at Choose the General Ministry Fund option. To ensure the funds will contribute directly to my work in Saint Petersburg, please put my name in the Comments box at check out.

Mail Donation Option
For those interested in mailing a donation, please send it to the following address:
24 Roy St. Suite 191, Seattle, WA 98109.
For tax purposes, please write my name on a note included in the letter rather than on the check. This will ensure that your donation reaches me, and you receive a tax receipt for your donation. 

I want to thank each of you for having already supported me thus far in my journey. Without your encouragement or previous financial support, I could not have come this far. As I take the final step in turning a passion into a career, I appreciate your consideration in supporting me financially and/or through prayer and words.

If you would like to follow our work with SunErgos, follow the SunErgo’s blog.
If you would like to follow my personal journey please email me at or visit my blog. Thank you.

Giavana Margo

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo!! 55 Days and Counting! I am SO SO proud of you, Gia. You are following your heart, and I believe, the passion God has placed within you. With that alone, you will minister to those who need to see a loving God reflected through you. Love you much and hope to visit if I get out that way. love, Aunt Alberta
