Sunday, October 27, 2013

Cosmopolitan: Not Just Celebrities, Sex and Gossip

Cosmopolitan isn't exactly considered the classiest of magazines. While some argue that it holds a key place in the history of the women's movement in the West, despite your chosen brand of feminism, it clearly promotes the objectification of women. But rather than launch into a rant on gender equality, I'd like to give Cosmopolitan a shout out this month. As one of the most famous and widely read women's magazines, Cosmopolitan has massive global influence. What celebrities we love. What clothes we wear. How we date. What crash diet will finally give us the body we've always wanted. In some way, most women are consciously or subconsciously swayed by this media empire. 

With such reach (and general lack of shame), Cosmo also has the opportunity to tackle some of the most taboo and controversial issues facing women. In Russia, HIV/AIDS is not a topic the general population likes to talk about. This disease is associated with drug use, prostitution, and societal groups that most people just don't want to deal with. The idea that a young, beautiful and "normal" woman could also be HIV+ seems almost impossible. These stereotypes and fears about HIV perpetuate a lack of understanding about the disease and encourage discrimination. Whether someone is infected with HIV through their own action or the actions of others, the ultimate truth is that these individuals are still people who need to be treated equally and given support. This is what has the power to fight HIV, not fear. 

Anastasia Mokina, a key advocate of the EVA family, has an open HIV status and shares her story to help break down stereotypes regarding HIV in Russia. Cosmo approached Anastasia and EVA about participating on a piece about HIV for the October edition of Cosmo in Russia. It is a wonderful opportunity in reshaping fears and misconceptions about HIV, and in giving the disease a new face in this country. 

Read more on the EVA site here:

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