Monday, March 29, 2010


Serving as a test of my blog and a few pre-departure thoughts, here is my first entry. Its my last day at home in Bend and as the rain, a rarity in the high desert, pours, I feel as if the weather is giving me a little send off. While I may have grown accustomed to the wet Seattle weather, I have a feeling that it won't really compare to the misty moors and perpetual downpour of the UK. My family also gave me a wonderful send off earlier this week, and I am reminded of what a blessing it is to have a family who is so supportive and so willing to embrace my ridiculous desire to embark on this kind of journey. Although, truth be told, they are a bit ridiculous themselves. Note my Grandmother testing out my backpack/suitcase:

Surely this photo inspires confidence.

And so, Wednesday means Seattle to Amsterdam and Amsterdam to Edinburgh. And Edinburgh means day one! Castles, Scots, and camera obscuras await. Until then, in order to keep up with my Russian, Dasvedanya!

Ps...gonna miss the kitties:


  1. Gia, dad and I are so excited for you and all the adventures that lie ahead for you!!! Grandma looks so cool in her travel gear!!!

  2. Gia I love the pic of Grandma!! good luck with everything while you are gone!!

  3. Dianna and Grandma and Grandpa send our love and prayers for your safe keeping.

  4. So fun seeing the blog in action! I'm going to check back daily. Love you Gia!

    P.S. You can WRITE. Fun to read.

  5. think we can talk 'grandma' into donning one of her own backpacks and come on over? See you in 2 months!

  6. Hi Gia!
    How are you????
    I am sure you are having a blast! I have had a great time in Philly and go home tomorrow. We will visit Valley Forge before heading to the airport.
    Hey- question for you- how do I get you logged off my little computer on your facebook??? I can't find a logout. E-mail me directions
    Love you!!!

  7. Hi Gia!
    Sending love and kisses from grandpa and grandma. Grandpa caught a 30 Lb Salmon!!! We are sharingit with everyone.
    We love and miss you
    Grandma and grandpa

  8. Dear Gia, i think i will learn to do all this, If i keep asking over and over again. I think you will write wonderful stories one day, I would love to read them. We are so proud of you, and love you bunches. Grandma and Grandpa

  9. Dear Gia, It is so valuable the lessons you are learning, the visuals you are taking in, and pictures taken, One day if you would want me to, i will paint you a memory from this wonderful experience, Your Grandpa, and i Love you dearly, and are proud of you, Love Grandma
