Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Elephant House

Snow. Edinburgh is full of snow.
Well, really the surrounding area has a generous covering and the nearby mountains, more like buttes, look like marshmallow pillows. It makes for a delicious countryside. But enough about marshmallows and my initial view of Scotland from the plane - I am in Edinburgh! From greenery, architecture and accents, I am sold. And goodness, those accents! Such a rich, rolling tone. I am really considering adopting one...or adopting someone who has one.
Day one of this adventure has proved to be simply wonderful. I really hope that it is an indicator of what the next nine months will look like! After landing yesterday morning, our group took a bus to the Links Hotel located right on Meadow Park. Despite overwhelming jet lag, a few of us set off to explore the city. We made our way to Blackwells, a delightful bookstore right in the heart of the city, to pick up our copies of Canterbury Tales. Not only is this volume daunting in content, but also in size. I really have no idea where I am going to pack it or how I am going to wade through its archaic poetry. Nevertheless, I shall prevail!
Meandering through the streets we came upon a truly spectacular find: The Elephant House. I would love this cafe simply because of its atmosphere and wonderful food and coffee, but it is made even more glorious by the fact that it is the birthplace of Harry Potter. Yes, J.K. Rowling wrote her first few fragmented ideas of what would become Harry Potter on a napkin in this shop. Naturally, feeling rather inspired, I filched a napkin to write on as well.

Mochas and Stromboli like no other.

And just for Mother, here is Greyfriars Bobby:

A favorite in the Margo household

This little pup waited outside the nearby pub everyday for his master, and continued to do so even after his master had passed away. Clearly Edinburgh loves this little guy too. The rest of the evening held time for reading, journaling and of course dinner at the pub downstairs.

I have a feeling the British Isles and I are about to become fast friends.


  1. Gia - sounds like you need a 'Kindle' to manage all those books!!! Enjoy. Edinburgh is one of my favorite places!

  2. Hi Gia!
    Sounds like you are having a wonderful time! I thought the statue and story of the loyal little dog was so sweet! I had fun in the same area with Debi, Dianna and Alberta just a few years ago....We love you and are so glad you are having a wonderful time! By the way, we had a blizzard here today! Spring???????

  3. Dianna SalciccioliApril 3, 2010 at 7:31 AM

    Gia!! this pic of the pup took me right back to where it sits...isn't that a cool sad story!!
    Wish I was walking the streets with you!!!
    Enjoy enjoy enjoy!
    if you get to travel consider York....ahhh so wonderful!!!

  4. So jealous Gia. Katie and I want to be just where you are today. You have our admiration and our envy. :)
