Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy May

Happy May!
I guess one could say that Spring is in full swing and that the scent of summer BBQs, summer heat, and summer relaxation is growing ever nearer. What a thrilling thought! While my own summer holds a much different feel, I can still appreciate in shared anticipation. At the same time, the fact that I am half way through my UK trip, that over a month has now passed on BIQ, is simply disheartening. In planning for my nine month adventure I often brushed aside these ten weeks, knowing that they held no worry, no unknown or even planning on my part. We have all been blessed with a professor and travel assistant who see to simply everything. We are here to learn, to explore, and to enjoy this bit of life that almost unreal. And, I must say, I am enjoying myself to the point that I'm not sure I want this to end. I feel as though each of my classmates and travelmates are becoming family. It is a strange family to be sure...23 students, a professor, his wife, and a travel assistant. But we are family just the same. It is a beautiful thing.
That being said, what do you do with families but celebrate!! At least, in my family we do a lot of celebrating. Yesterday being Cinco de Mayo, and, oh yes my 21st birthday, we partook in our share of celebration. The Haford Arms Hotel, our home while in Wales, is made up of some of the most hospitable people you will meet, and they allowed me to choose the gourmet dinner menu, made a delicious chocolate cake, and set up a serious Karaoke stage. Let me just say that it was a glorious and ruckus night full of way too much good food, and a lot of really terrible singing. Even some from our beloved professor, thank you thank you Dr. Reinsma.
And so now I am a year older and thinking a lot about how much my life has changed in the last few years: Coming to SPU, going to Ukraine, and now this. It is strange to think that most of my 21st year will be spent on this trip. It is forcing me to realize that this trip is and will be a cornerstone in my life. I am seeking to learn and grow while away; I am seeking to challenge myself to understand something about this world and to find myself a part of it. And so, almost five weeks into my journey, what have I gained? What have I learned? Perhaps several things, but I'll mention just this. Beauty in landscape can have many different forms. The English countryside isn't beautiful because of its tropical forests, white sandy beaches, crisp snowy peaks, or really anything extreme. This countryside is beautiful because of its subtlety. The rolling hills, trickling rivers, and life everywhere you look is all that is needed. In the words of one of the authors we are studying, Ishiguro says,
"I distinctly felt that rare, yet unmistakable feeling - the feeling that one is in the presence of greatness. It is the very lack of obvious drama or spectacle that sets the beauty of our land apart. What is pertinent is the calmness of the beauty, its sense of restraint. It is as though theland knows of its own beauty, of its own greatness, and feels no need to shout it."
It is the green, alive, and loved land.
It is the radiant blue skies filled which bouncing white clouds.
It is the calm turquoise waters
I have learned that England knows not only how to treat its land, but how to love it.
During our time here in Wales, we have had the chance to breath and to relax. It is a wonderful thing to find yourself with the time in which to simply curl up in a cozy armchair near a fire and pour over books and books. Thanks to the rainy weather and a bout of some illness, I've been lucky enough to do just that. I guess I'm being not only forced to catch up with my soul...but also with my tired body. Tomorrow means we must say our farewells to this lovely new home, and move onto Cambridge. As always, I am sad to go and I've yet to see or do everything I had hoped. And yet, going to a college town, visiting blooming orchards, and biking to my heart's content does have a certain draw to it.

Oh yes, and I must mention that I visited a phenomenal castle in Wales.


  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh....sounds wonderful and a place I would like to be right now. We love you Gia and we are so glad you are having such an incredible time and doing such a wonderful job sharing it. Love you,
    Dad and Mom

  2. I second what your mom said!! Plus ... I want to add how very proud we are of you, Gia. What an adventure and you are absolutely right!!! You WILL see this as a pivotal cornerstone in your life's journey. What an amazing experience for you - and it's not over yet!!! love you, Alberta
